We are here

to help our clients

Specialized IT Recruitment & Sourcing

We provide High-Speed and High-Quality Recruitment Services for both Freelance and Permanent positions, and immediate access to the most specialized and well-referenced technology consultants.

iKons High-Speed & High-Quality Service

  • We are renowned for providing our clients with Candidates to Interview for the role assigned to IKONS within the shortest timeframes.
  • Within that timeframe IKONS internally Qualifies the vacancy/role assigned, Sources the ideal available candidates, Check Referrals and submit them to the client.
  • Adds differential value to clients by generating significant time and money savings.

iKons Staffing Database:

  • IKONS has built during the last years an own Staffing Database that allows them to immediately access over 10.000 Qualified IT Freelancers in the UE.
  • Globally IKONS has access to over 60.000 Freelancers.

SAP & SFDC Specialization

  • Freelancers included in the IKONS Staffing Database have extensive SAP or SFDC Functional / Technical experience and have all taken active part in any of the different stages of International SAP Projects (Conception, Definition, Implementation, Migration, Roll-Out, Upgrade, Test, Cutover, Maintenance etc.).
  • IKONS offers complete support in all SAP modules and technologies.

iKons Extensive Canditate Interview & Qualifying Process:

  • We conduct a set of interviews in which the required Technical and Linguistic Competencies are evaluated; Past professional experiences assessed.
  • External Referral check and confirming alignment with the project.