This new brand image is the visible indication of IKONS’ refreshed identity, which includes an  inspiring purpose and vision, ambitious and digitally driven growth strategies for its group of  companies, powered by a strong corporate culture and engaging values like commitment and  agility. 

Today we are proud to announce to our employees, clients, partners, shareholders and to all our  people the launch of the renewed company branding as part of the ongoing evolution and development of our organization. 

Our business has grown and evolved over the last 5 years, and we felt it was time for a change.  We have refreshed our image to reflect who we are today and to symbolize our dynamic future. 

After careful consideration, we choose a new logo that reflects a more modern look and captures  our forward-thinking vision to position IKONS one the most effective and reliable software  companies in the market. With this new identity, IKONS marks itself as a progressive, human centered software company that connects people to infinite possibilities. 

“Our brand development took place in close collaboration with many internal and external  stakeholders and was based on a comprehensive benchmark analysis,” -says Josif Gjani, Chief  Executive Officer of IKONS SEE. We created the new brand with so much enthusiasm on working  together and introducing a more professional, contemporary brand experience – one that  differentiates us and clearly depicts our company’s exciting journey. This new branding will be  phased in over the next few months, eventually leading to the rebranding of our global sites and  our website. We’re excited to see where this next chapter takes us.” 

In the upcoming days, we will update all our marketing literature and online presence etc. with the  new logo.  

Meanwhile, we invite our partners to contact us via email to get the new logo  guidelines. We appreciate your kind support and you being here for us through these transforming and very significant stages!  

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Stay tuned for more surprises coming  your way!